I'm going to show you how to lose weight in a week while you reshape your metabolism and burn fat uncontrollably. Your body will have no choice but to simply discard the extra pounds of fat that it's been holding on to for "an emergency".
A new YOU is about to take shape.
\"Lose Weight\"
How to Lose Weight in a Week
1. First things first, you probably have 5 or more pounds of water weight you need to get rid of. For that, you'll need to drink a lot of water.
Here's what's up with water weight. Your body clings to it for emergencies. Your body still has the mentality that it's still 1,000 or more years ago when water was scarce. Back then, the added water weight helped people to survive.
Today, it just makes people look fat and bloated.
Well, you need to TRICK your body into thinking there's plenty of water so that it's pointless to carry the extra water weight. The easiest way to do that is to drink A LOT OF WATER.
Once you do, you're body will say to itself "Ok, I guess I don't need this added water for an emergency... I'll just release it now". So this water gets eliminated out of your body. And it goes rather fast too.
So if you were to drink a gallon of water each day, you can quite possibly lose 5 pounds of water weight in 3-4 days.
A bonus to this is that drinking a lot of water speeds up your metabolism to burn off even more calories. Listen, I know this "drink a lot of water" information isn't too exciting, but it does work. So do it.
2. Your body has at least 5-10 pounds of putrified wastes and fecal matter clogging it up.
Actually, if you're 25 or more pounds overweight, you probably have even more than that. I read something about the autopsies on John Wayne and Elvis... they both had OVER 20 POUNDS of crusted up wastes and fecal matter in their body.
Think about that!
I don't mean to gross you out or anything, but it should be clear to you that you don't want undigested wastes in your body. So how do you solve this?
Simple... you get a lot of fiber in your diet... at least 40 grams.
For this, I recommend black beans, apples, and bananas.
Eat 1 can of black beans a day... that gets you 25 grams of fiber. Also, eat 3 bananas and or apples a day. That'll get you about 15 grams.
This fiber will help push out those wastes. It may take some time since those wastes are wedged in there pretty good (in most cases) from years of dietary abuse from you. Just be consistent with getting the 40 or more grams of fiber a day and slowly but surely that stuff will get loosened up and swept out of your body.
That's a simple way on how to lose weight in a week and reshape your metabolism without doing anything crazy!
How to Lose Weight in a Week - Reshape Your Metabolism and Burn Fat Uncontrollably
Listen, if you're SICK and TIRED of getting the same old boring weight loss advice... you know, like "Eat more fruits and vegetables, drink 8 glasses of water, jog, and blah blah blah", then...
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If you're truly serious about losing weight, then go to the link below to get your free report now. If you don't lose 10 pounds... I'd be QUITE surprised! http://www.weightlossguide4women.com
Jennifer Jolan