How to Lose Weight in a Week - Reshape Your Metabolism and Burn Fat Uncontrollably

I'm going to show you how to lose weight in a week while you reshape your metabolism and burn fat uncontrollably. Your body will have no choice but to simply discard the extra pounds of fat that it's been holding on to for "an emergency".

A new YOU is about to take shape.

\"Lose Weight\"

How to Lose Weight in a Week

How to Lose Weight in a Week - Reshape Your Metabolism and Burn Fat Uncontrollably

1. First things first, you probably have 5 or more pounds of water weight you need to get rid of. For that, you'll need to drink a lot of water.

Here's what's up with water weight. Your body clings to it for emergencies. Your body still has the mentality that it's still 1,000 or more years ago when water was scarce. Back then, the added water weight helped people to survive.

Today, it just makes people look fat and bloated.

Well, you need to TRICK your body into thinking there's plenty of water so that it's pointless to carry the extra water weight. The easiest way to do that is to drink A LOT OF WATER.

Once you do, you're body will say to itself "Ok, I guess I don't need this added water for an emergency... I'll just release it now". So this water gets eliminated out of your body. And it goes rather fast too.

So if you were to drink a gallon of water each day, you can quite possibly lose 5 pounds of water weight in 3-4 days.

A bonus to this is that drinking a lot of water speeds up your metabolism to burn off even more calories. Listen, I know this "drink a lot of water" information isn't too exciting, but it does work. So do it.

2. Your body has at least 5-10 pounds of putrified wastes and fecal matter clogging it up.

Actually, if you're 25 or more pounds overweight, you probably have even more than that. I read something about the autopsies on John Wayne and Elvis... they both had OVER 20 POUNDS of crusted up wastes and fecal matter in their body.

Think about that!

I don't mean to gross you out or anything, but it should be clear to you that you don't want undigested wastes in your body. So how do you solve this?

Simple... you get a lot of fiber in your diet... at least 40 grams.

For this, I recommend black beans, apples, and bananas.

Eat 1 can of black beans a day... that gets you 25 grams of fiber. Also, eat 3 bananas and or apples a day. That'll get you about 15 grams.

This fiber will help push out those wastes. It may take some time since those wastes are wedged in there pretty good (in most cases) from years of dietary abuse from you. Just be consistent with getting the 40 or more grams of fiber a day and slowly but surely that stuff will get loosened up and swept out of your body.

That's a simple way on how to lose weight in a week and reshape your metabolism without doing anything crazy!

How to Lose Weight in a Week - Reshape Your Metabolism and Burn Fat Uncontrollably

Listen, if you're SICK and TIRED of getting the same old boring weight loss advice... you know, like "Eat more fruits and vegetables, drink 8 glasses of water, jog, and blah blah blah", then...

Click to get your FREE EBOOK "How SPINNING Around Like a Child TRIPLES your Weight Loss". A strange, but true, way to LOSE 10 pounds in 2 weeks. I'm giving away this report today and tomorrow ONLY to anyone who visits my website! So get it before tomorrow night.

If you're truly serious about losing weight, then go to the link below to get your free report now. If you don't lose 10 pounds... I'd be QUITE surprised!

Jennifer Jolan

Weight Loss Tips - How To Lose Weight Fast

If you are reading this article, you must be interested in losing weight and weight loss tips. If so, how fast do you want to see those pounds come off? While it is not advisable to seek out and/or utilize rapid weight loss techniques on a consistent basis, you should continue to read if you want to learn some quick weight loss tips you may want to consider on a short term basis.

One quick way to start your rapid weight loss is simply by reducing your food intake. When doing so, however, you may only see benefits for a couple of days. This commonly occurs as your body will slow down your metabolism to conserve fuel and energy, thus you may find yourself frustrated quickly if you try this approach for more than a few days. Worse yet, once you increase how much food you eat, you will most likely gain as much as you initially lost and, even worse, you may gain additional weight. And, it is very important to point out that starving one's self is not a healthy (nor maybe even a safe) approach to weight loss.

\"weight Loss\"

If you start by trying to take in less food, it is definitely possible to lose weight if you also look to reduce your sugar and fat intake as well as exercise. If you are able to minimize or eliminate how much junk food you eat, you will find that you may be able to quickly loss some weight. Since almost all junk foods are high in calories, such as candy, potato chips and the like, you may see a significant decrease in your caloric consumption by eliminating them from your diet. By reducing your caloric intake, you are more likely to lose weight.

Weight Loss Tips - How To Lose Weight Fast

Another key component to fast weight loss is exercise. With exercise, it may take some time to notice any weight coming off your body. That's why it can be frustrating for so many people and why they fail in their many diet attempts. However, once the weight starts coming off, it can often happen quickly, especially with heavier people. For the most benefits from exercising, you should plan to do so at least three to four times per week.

And, for a balance approach to weight loss, you should take in less food and calories while, at the same time, increase your exercise regimen. By burning off calories through exercise, your body absorbs fewer calories, thus making it possible to lose weight. However, before starting any exercising program, you should consult with your doctor prior to doing so to make sure your body is able to sustain the rigors of exercise. Same holds true for any diet. You should discuss any major change in your diet with your physician prior to doing so in an effort to stave off any potential risk for harm to your body, including major organs.

Yet another method for quick weight loss is to cleanse your colon, sometimes called a colonic or colon cleanse. With this type of therapy, toxins and several pounds of waste are removed from your intestines (or colon). If you decide that you want to consider this therapy, you definitely want to discuss it with your physician and ask him or her, the benefits and risks of such procedure. Typically, you are required to eat a special diet and limit the types of food you eat. Your doctor should also provide you with the benefits of a liquid cleanse versus a cleanse in pill form.

Weight Loss Tips - How To Lose Weight Fast

For additional information regarding weight loss and dieting, check out

While I'm not a health nut, I have become more attuned with my body, my weight and diet as I have grown older. Click here to learn more about weight loss and dieting solutions.

Vitamin B12 and Weight Loss

Cobalamin or as it is better known, is one of the vital nutrients our bodies need in order to work properly. It is necessary to perform many of the body's more important tasks, including the making of DNA during cell division and the healthy formation of red blood cells.

B12 is known as the "energy vitamin" because it gives a real energy boost. It is used to remedy fatigue and it speeds up the metabolism. Red blood cells are also responsible for producing hemoglobin, the part of the blood that takes oxygen from the lungs and transports it to all the different parts of the body.

\"weight Loss\"

It has many functions and uses but does it help people lose weight?

Vitamin B12 and Weight Loss

What is the link between Vitamin B12 and weight loss?

Vitamin B12 Injections and Weight Loss

Some people might go to a clinic to get shots. These shots are administered directly into the muscle, allowing for better absorption. People who get these shots mainly suffer from chronic fatigue syndrome or a deficiency. They might also claim that taking these shots help them to lose weight.

However, injections by themselves do not directly induce weight loss, nor are they intended to. So why do people who get them lose weight?

There are many factors to take into consideration.

B12 causes the metabolism to speed up, which in turn increases weight loss. People who go to get injections tend to be more conscious of their health and are already on a vegetarian, or other weight loss diet.

Shots give a tremendous boost of energy. This generally helps people to maintain their diets, and motivates them to exercise and increase physical activity. Vitamin B12 also helps to fight stress and depression, symptoms which are sometimes associated with weight gain.

While the shots can be a great benefit to some, particularly those with a B12 deficiency, there can be some negative side effects when taken excessively or along with certain other substances. There is also a risk for those who have certain pre-existing conditions. It's important to consult a physician before undergoing injections.

Vitamin B12 Deficiency

Deficiencies can become a serious health threat. The body can normally stock up many years supply of vitamin B12, so it more often materializes when the body is unable to properly absorb vitamin B12 because of illness or old age. Incidentally, deficiencies can cause weight loss, among other symptoms. Extreme cases can even result in permanent nerve damage if left untreated.

A person diagnosed with a B12 deficiency will need to take supplements. These are most often taken as capsules or via intramuscular injections. Although vitamin B12 does not directly cause weight loss, it is still an essential nutrient that is needed by the body. It is important to get a sufficient amount of it and doing so will ensure better health, all around.

Vitamin B12 and Dieting

When undergoing any new weight loss program it is important to make sure that the diet is well balanced and contains all of the essential nutrients. This of course includes vitamin B12 and other essential nutrients.

Food sources rich in B12

Meat, Poultry, Milk and other dairy products, Eggs, and Fish

Since the only reliable source of vitamin B12 are from animals those practicing a vegetarian or vegan diet will have to get theirs from supplements. If a person doesn't get enough they may develop a deficiency.

Vitamin B12 and Weight Loss

I tried everything to lose weight including vitamin b12 [] and never had much luck until I discovered this simple weight loss system and I was able to lose over 42 pounds you can learn more by visiting Healthy Weight Loss Project

Home Exercises to Lose Weight Quickly - 5 Tips

Exercise is an important part of any weight loss regimen. But with busy schedules, we all want to know which exercises will help us lose the most weight quickly.

Broadly, there are two types of exercises: aerobic and strength training (or anaerobic), and each one contributes differently to weight loss. Aerobic exercise burns fat calories while you are engaged in the exercise itself. On the other hand, strength training primarily contributes to weight loss by helping to increase the speed of your resting metabolic rate (RMR), which is the number of calories your body burns while you are at rest. Your RMR actually increases (i.e., burns more calories) the more muscular your body is because it takes much more energy to maintain muscles than it does to maintain fat.

\"Lose Weight\"

Important note: remember that muscle weighs more than fat, so some strength training exercises will make you healthier and more attractive while not necessarily contributing to weight loss. But, muscles are a "good" kind of weight and you should aim to build more muscle in order to help keep body fat at bay.

Home Exercises to Lose Weight Quickly - 5 Tips

Here are 5 tips for exercises - both aerobic and strength training - you can do at home to lose weight quickly.

Tip #1: Squats: Your buttocks and leg muscles are the largest muscles in your body. Every day in front of the mirror, put your feet at shoulder width while facing forward and squat down-and-up 10-20 times for 2 or 3 sets. This will build your leg and buttock muscles. As you build up strength, try holding 2 or 5 pound dumbbells in your hands while you work out. Be sure to warm up first, and stop if you notice any sharp pain in your knees.

Tip #2: Pushups: Pushups are a form of strength training: during a pushup your arms have to support up to 70% of your body weight. Do 2 or 3 sets of 20 pushups to build arm strength and increase your RMR.

Tip #3: Jumping jacks: Jumping jacks are an excellent whole-body aerobic workout you can do right at home. Do 4 or 5 sets of 20 jumping jacks, or as needed. Hint: if you live in an apartment or stay in a second-story bedroom, be considerate of your neighbors by going outside or doing these in a first story room.

Tip #4: Fast walking: While walking is in itself a great aerobic exercise, fast walking is even better for burning fat. Make sure you really stretch first and warm up with regular walking. Once you start your faster walking pace, try to maintain as much speed as possible for as long as you can. If you get tired, try doing intervals of fast walking followed by short periods of slower walking.

Tip #5: Stepping: Stepping is a great way to get your heart beating and to burn calories. You can use your stairs at home, but for best results I suggest buying specialized stackable step mats and stack them up to at least 15 inches (38 cm). Do 2 to 3 sets of 20 steps each to begin. Even though you may not feel like the stepping is helping, it is! This exercise will not only help you lose weight but will also help shape up your buttocks and legs.

An important element in a strategy to lose weight quickly at home is to do a combination of exercises that build muscles (strength training) while burning fat (aerobic exercises). Start a regimen of most or all of these exercises 2-3 days/week and watch the unhealthy fat melt away.

Home Exercises to Lose Weight Quickly - 5 Tips

Looking to burn more fat, faster? Try a proven new formula for success: The Diet Solution Program.

How to Lose Weight in a Week - Fast Weight Loss

Let's see how to lose weight in a week. Many people want to lose weight fast. This article will be helpful for them. But you should follow the steps properly. Otherwise you may not get good results. Firstly, you have to become more active. Start being more active from today itself. And do not stop being active ever. Even after losing weight, continue like this. To start being active, get up early.

You will feel fresh by getting up early. Early morning freshness will rub off on you too. Initially, it will be difficult for you. But, within a week, things will change. It will then become easier to get up early. After getting up early, do some exercises. Use this extra time available to you. Starting your day with exercise is great. You will get pumped up and enthusiastic. You will approach the whole day differently. Congratulations, you have taken the first step. This is a great first step forward. This habit can boost your weight loss.

\"weight Loss\"

Here is next step to lose weight in a week. Drink plenty of water when hungry. Develop the habit of drinking more water. Many times, we confuse thirst for hunger. When our bodies dehydrate, we feel thirsty. Many times, this is taken as hunger. You might mistakenly think you are hungry. You will feel the urge to eat. Drink water many times during the day. You will feel less hunger pangs now. Supplying enough water to body helps a lot. You won't get frequent urges to eat. This habit is essential for weight loss. Drink plenty of water and stay hydrated. Controlling hunger pangs will become easier now.

How to Lose Weight in a Week - Fast Weight Loss

Third step is to cut down carbohydrates. Cutting down on carbohydrates can prove beneficial. This is good for faster weight loss. Please remember - carbohydrates are an essential nutrient. You should not completely leave them off. If so, you will spoil your health.

What I recommend is eat less carbohydrates. But please do not go to extremes. You still need them to stay healthy. Reducing carbohydrate intake can make a difference. As with anything, there should be consistency. Get a diet plan which is balanced.

You have now taken another step forward. You weight loss program is going nicely. Reducing carbohydrates should provide a further boost. This is how you can lose weight. I have provided an easy, simple plan. It shouldn't be difficult to follow it. You may see results within short time. Don't you think you can follow these?

How to Lose Weight in a Week - Fast Weight Loss

Take weight loss to a new level. A revolutionary program which can help you. Get details here Fast weight loss program!

This program has been tried by many. Now is your chance to try it out. It can help in achieving rapid weight loss.

It is not a strict diet program. This program is much easier to follow. It is for people who are serious about weight loss.

Treadmill Weight Loss Tips

These treadmill weight loss tips are a great way to help you shed a few pounds and shape up. A treadmill is designed for the most natural form of exercise which is walking. You don't need any special skills to use these machines because if you can walk, you can exercise on a treadmill.

Treadmill weight loss is one of the most successful methods of losing weight. Just be consistent and work within your fat burning target range for 45 minutes or more per session at least 5 to 6 days per week.

\"weight Loss\"

If you are looking to shed unwanted pounds, implement a treadmill workout routine along with a sensible, healthy diet. The treadmill allows you the convenience of exercising in a safe, comfortable, climate controlled environment anytime day or night.

Treadmill Weight Loss Tips

If you are just starting out, check with your doctor before you begin any exercise regime. When you begin, start at a nice, easy pace, do shorter workouts for a few weeks and increase the length and intensity as your fitness level improves.

The main thing to keep in mind is to keep your body moving for as long and fast as you can but still remain comfortable. The faster the pace the more calories you will burn. The more calories you burn, the more weight you will lose.

Regular exercise on a treadmill will increase your body's metabolism and make it work more efficiently to burn more fat. The best treadmill workout plan is one that becomes a daily habit, just like brushing your teeth.

If you do a treadmill workout routine everyday you don't have to think about it, and it becomes a good habit. It soon becomes part of your normal day and you look forward to it. Consistency is the key to success.

Walking a treadmill to lose weight will consistently provide you with quality results and lasting benefits. It allows you to work at your own pace to burn calories effectively.

If you apply these treadmill weight loss tips they will have a positive impact on your weight loss as well as many other aspects of your life.

Copyright © 2005 Treadmill All Rights Reserved.

Treadmill Weight Loss Tips

This article is supplied by where you will find valuable information, ratings, reviews, articles and buying tips before you make the investment in quality fitness equipment. For more fitness related articles go to:

20 Ways to Lose Weight

1. Take it one step at a time

Start by paying attention to what you eat. Cut back on fat and sweets and add more fruits and vegetables. After you have that under control, add exercise. If you hate to exercise try it for only 15 minutes a day at first, then a 1/2-hour. Keep in mind that while you are exercising you are burning calories and not eating. Also, it will be easier if you chose an activity that you enjoy.

\"Lose Weight\"

2. Find a friend

20 Ways to Lose Weight

It is always good to have support when you are trying to lose weight. Find a friend who wants to lose weight and compare notes, weigh-in together and maybe even have a contest.

3. Use weights

Working out weights will build muscle and raise your metabolism so you will burn more calories. Also, muscle takes up less space than fat so you will be smaller (but probably weigh more).

4. Eat fewer carbs

Don't eat as much bread and pasta and you will see a difference.

5. Set a goal

Set a deadline to lose the weight and write it down. For example, ' By Dec 14/04 I will weigh 150 lbs or less'. Put it somewhere you will see it daily.

6. Give up soda

If you drink a soda or 2 a day you are adding empty calories. If you find it hard to stop completely, cut back at first and drink water instead.

7. Grill or boil

Avoid fried meat, grill and use lots of spices. You will get used to it and probably enjoy it more.

8. Don't buy junk food

When you go shopping, don't go on an empty stomach and you will be less likely to buy junk food. Keep your home 'junk food free' so you won't be tempted to indulge.

9. Eat breakfast

Consume most of your calories early in the day and always eat breakfast. Don't eat after 8pm and not only will you avoid those added calories but you will sleep better.

10. Give yourself a treat

When you tell yourself that you can't have something you want it more. Give yourself a treat once a day (ie. half a cookie) and you won't feel you are missing out.

11. Use smaller plates

Trick yourself into believing that you are eating more by using a smaller plate.

12. Drink lots of water

Drink water when you are feeling hungry and you will get that 'full' feeling.

13. Don't eat everything on your plate

Many times we eat just because it's there. Pay attention to when you have had enough.

14. Eat five or six meals a day

Eating more frequently will keep you from getting too hungry.

15. Plan your workout sessions

Write your workout sessions in your journal or planner.

16. Stay away from fad diets

Fad diets don't work. If you lose weight fast chances are that you will gain it back (and more) just as fast. It takes time to put it on and time to take it off.

17. Do several workouts a day

While you are watching TV do crunches and leg lifts.

18. Measure your food

If you decide to have junk food for a snack - be sure to measure and control what you eat.

19. Keep pre-cut vegetables

... and ward off those cravings.

20. Create Good Habits

It is a known fact that when we do something twenty-one times it becomes a habit. Create good eating habits.

20 Ways to Lose Weight

Sheila is an image consultant and style coach who works with women who are frustrated with their wardrobe. She helps them discover styles and colours that are perfect for them so they can attract a better job, a promotion or their soul mate. Get her free report "5 Ways to Dress Well and Look Slimmer" audio recording of "The # 1 Secret of Well Dressed Women" at

How Many Calories Can I Have And Still Lose Weight?

To figure out how many calories you should have, first start with where you are. In other words, figure out how many calories it takes to maintain your present size and then reduce from there. You can go about this in many ways. Most people simply choose an arbitrary number like 1200 calories and that's what they eat, but in nearly every case that's not nearly enough calories to ensure adequate nutrition, not to mention the deprivation that sets up.

While losing weight and to this day, I eat over 2000 calories a day on average and I've maintained a good weight for my height for over 17 years. Remember, your body requires calories to maintain itself.

\"Lose Weight\"

Basic Calorie Requirements Calculation Based on Activity Level:

How Many Calories Can I Have And Still Lose Weight?

Sedentary : 13 X Weight = Avg. cal/day

Sedentary is not exercising at all

Moderately Active: 16 X Weight = Avg. cal/day

Moderately Active is exercising approximately 3-4 times per week

Very Active: 19 X Weight = Avg. cal/day

Very Active is 5-7 strenuous exercise sessions per week.

If you weigh over 200 pound now, and you'd like to weigh closer to 150, here is a calculation you could use to get started: Assuming you are going to be adding enough exercise to quality as Moderately Active, we'll use 16 as our modifier:

150 pounds X 16 calories per pound = 2400 calories

Less 500 (Using the common 500 calories per day reduction) gives us a total of 1900 average calories per day

If you started to incorporate a plan that allowed an average of 1900 calories every day, you'd start to lose weight. The mistake most people make is to reduce calories too much, which ultimately sacrifices muscle plus sets you up for feeling deprived. It's far better in the long run to go more slowly, keeping as much muscle as possible while burning calories via exercise. Remember too, even if you don't eat quite that many calories on many days, you might eat more on the weekends for instance, so it ends up being closer to your goal of 1900 average per day. Take the total calories for the week divided by seven.

Remember, this average calorie number gives you plenty of wiggle room during the week. You can have some treats along with everyone else, or add more on weekends. Instead of constantly saying, "I can't, I'm on a diet," now you can say, "Thank you, that looks delicious," and enjoy some. It doesn't ruin your diet plan because you've got a large enough calorie allowance that if you are more careful some days than others, it will work out to the average number of calories you want. I tend to eat far less calories during the week than on weekends and my totals generally average out to 2000 to 2200 calories per day.

The 500 calorie reduction is a well accepted amount. You can reduce your calories further, but I wouldn't recommend it. It doesn't benefit anyone to try for faster weight loss, in fact, if you reduce your calories too much you end up wasting muscle in the process, which is exactly what you do not want to do. If you want faster results, it's better to add more activity, thereby burning more calories at rest.

You may be thinking I'm nuts, recommending 1900 calories per day, but I can say for a fact that if you eat too little (1000 - 1200 calories is too few, IMO) then you set yourself up for all of the following:

Deprivation. You're going to feel deprived, mentally and physically. 1000 calories isn't enough for your basic metabolic needs, much less to fuel yourself for your activity needs. Add more food! Just have a bit more than you're already having, so for instance, if you are allowed 1/2 cup of vegetables is a whole cup going to ruin all your progress? I doubt it. Eat a whole cup, or go ahead and have two oranges. Fruits and vegetables are very low calorie but provide high nutrition.

Sure, some vegis and fruits are high in sugar, but it's natural sugar. I seriously doubt our planet grows any killer foods - it is more likely the food industry which has processed those foods to become nothing more than a dried powder, then add back more sugars, and chemicals so it will resemble the original product, is more harmful than a simple apple or banana?

If you are diabetic or must watch the sugars, have a small bit of protein along with the higher glycemic food, such as an ounce of cheese with your apple. Notice I said an ounce of cheese, not a slab big enough to feed a small country.

Metabolic Slow-Down Feeding yourself too few calories sets you up for metabolic slow-down. Studies have shown time and again that a heavier person can find it difficult to lose weight, even though eating very low calories, simply because their body's metabolism is burning at such a slow rate. As you probably already know exercise helps to speed up your metabolism but so does eating. That's why they say breakfast is so important, not only to fuel yourself but because it starts the metabolic furnace burning, and it continues to burn all day. If you don't eat anything until noon, you don't stoke your furnace to start burning until then either.

Has the ultra low calorie approach worked for you so far? If not, why not try something more reasonable? Tag along with a friend who doesn't have a weight problem and you'll see how sometimes they eat more, sometimes less, but on average they eat enough to fuel their body and maintain their weight.

Adding more food gives you additional eye appeal. If you split up 1000 calories over the course of an entire day you're looking at pretty skimpy portions on your plate each time you eat. I like to feel like I'm getting enough to eat and I do this by rounding out my plate with extra vegetables.

If I'm having a frozen entree for instance, I'll cook up a cup or more of frozen vegetables to add to my plate. The extra vegis really fill me up, providing the satisfaction I need, and I often have a bit extra vegetables to throw away. Is that wasting food? No, it's smart. Far better for me mentally to have extra food to toss away than to be licking the plate because I'm still hungry. I'm also not likely to start wanting something else to eat right after dinner if I'm feeling content with the amount I've eaten.

Make an effort to learn to like your food as is. Plain mixed vegetables with nothing on them are delicious. It took me awhile to stop putting butter on them, and then even quitting the Molly McButter (just chemicals and sodium). I eat them plain and yes, they are great. Nature made our fruits and vegetables naturally sweet and all those "extras" we are used to using like butter on vegetables or potatoes certainly make things taste all yummy but they also make us larger than we need to be. Those "extra" calories add up.

Slowly Make Adjustments to What or How Much You Eat

Wean yourself off adding sugar to your cold cereal. Read the label; all processed cereals contain a ridiculous amount of added sugar. There's no need to add more. My only exception is brown sugar on oatmeal. I don't sugar my cereal at all anymore but it took me awhile to make the change. Start by adding a bit less, then next week cut back a bit more until you break the habit entirely. Tiny changes make up for big results over time.

If you feed yourself well, and focus on increasing your activity, even if only a little, then you will continue to lose fat, build muscle and get more shapely, all the while increasing your metabolism so you can eat more food!

How Many Calories Can I Have And Still Lose Weight?

~~ Kathryn Martyn Smith, Master NLP Practitioner, EFT counselor, author of free e-book: Changing Beliefs, Your First Step to Permanent Weight Loss, and owner of

Get The Daily Bites: Inspirational Mini Lessons Using EFT and NLP for Ending the Struggle with Weight Loss.

One Week Is Enough To Lose Weight

To fight with excess weight is one of the oldest "women's sport". Especially this kind of sport is popular after holidays. And here we are now. Holidays passed and summer is coming closer.

If you will see that your summer wardrobe sit tight on you don't hurry to change it on bigger size clothes. The situation is quite corrigible. I would like to offer you the diet that helps you to get rid of 5kg (11lb) of excess weight during a week. The motivation is strong - size of your clothes must be not bigger than previous summer! Is not it nice to strike your friends and acquaintances that after all holidays and winter season you did not add any excess weight?! And this decision is the first step to succeed in weight loss. It will demand to make some efforts from you of course but they are worthy to do. Pointer of your scales will move to desired figures and after a week needed result will be achieved.

\"Lose Weight\"

This undoubtedly will cheer you up and you'll want to strengthen achieved results and may be to go further.

One Week Is Enough To Lose Weight

Diet will help your stomach to get accustomed to smaller amount of food you need every day. It will decrease the whole quantity of consumed calories. Therefore after this diet it is easy to maintain balanced feeding.

Yes, to lose of 5-7kg (11-15lb) excess weight one week is quite enough. The diet is very simple. Your food during these days is fruits and vegetables. But you must not overeat them also, 1.5kg (3lb) of them a day is enough.

What you can eat for a day?


-boiled vegetables

-mashed vegetables

-oranges and mandarins


-fruit all sorts (not dressed)

-fruit puree (without sugar)

The main rule is not to eat more than 1.5kg (3lb) of foodstuff a day. What can you drink? It is tea (green is preferable), coffee (without sugar) and mineral water.

To make better your appearance choose fruits that suit to your skin. For dry skin it is ripe red fruits, for fat skin better have green sour-sweet fruits. For normal skin suit both.

But it is not enough to eat little! Have a strong shower every morning to push the process better. After such a shower your blood will go freely through vessels. Shower makes you cheerful and draws you away from foodstuff. Thus your breakfast will be smaller than usual. May be cup of coffee will be enough. But don't forget to add some not fat milk to it not to harm your stomach. That is proved method I use myself.
Hot bath with few drops of aromatic oil draws your thoughts away from appetizing foodstuff in the evening. It can be rosemary, eucalyptus, lemon, fir or other stuff that you like. You will switch to perception of fragrance that draws you away from food.

Don't lay in the bath without any movement. If your bath has hydro massage it is perfect. If not than try to do it yourself. Even simple massage can do miracle.

May be after 3-4 days you will be tired of fresh vegetables and fruits. Than begin to cook them! Don't be afraid to experiment. You may cook your day meal at once and divide it to portions. Remember the rule - not more than 1.5kg (3lb) of food a day. Vary assortment of vegetables. It may be:





-sweet pepper

It can be everything you like, all that suits you best.

There is another way to limit your portion of meal - decrease the salt in your meal or don't salt it completely. The taste of meal will be a bit strange. You will eat not much in this case. But that is all you need!

Recipes of meal from vegetables and fruits I will show you in the next article.
7 days after this diet you will be pleasantly surprised. Compare your weight with those you had before. You will be glad to have such results.

And if you want to strengthen achieved results you must know how to choose foodstuff for balanced feeding properly and how to cook them. Next article will be dedicated to this subject also.

Be healthy,


One Week Is Enough To Lose Weight

Nataly Orlova is a recognized authority on the subject of overweight and obesity problems. Her articles published in [] provides a wealth of information on everything you'll ever need to know about overweight, obesity and other health problems. Food/points table can be found in []

Reprint of article without author's permission is strongly prohibited.

Acai Berry - How to Lose Weight With Acai Berry

What is Acai Berry?

The acai berry is a fruit of the acai palm tree. It has been harvested by native Americans for hundreds of years, forming a staple of the local diet. However, it became popular in the west only a few years ago when it was publicized in numerous TV shows, newspapers and magazine articles. Why these little berries got so much attention from the media? It turned out that acai berries contain an amazing combination of health-promoting nutrients, among them antioxidants, dietary fiber and monounsaturated fats. No wonder they have taken the world by storm!

\"Lose Weight\"

How Acai Berry Helps You Lose Weight?

Acai Berry - How to Lose Weight With Acai Berry

Acai berries are most known as a weight loss supplement, although they have a number of other benefits such as reducing the aging process and helping cell recovery. The weight loss properties of acai berry can be largely explained by the increased metabolic rate it causes. This happens because of the very large amount of antioxidants (substances, which prevent oxidative stress and cell damage) it contains. This leads to faster fat breakdown, increases energy levels and fights fatigue. Combined, these effects make the process of losing weight faster and easier without any side effects usually associated with synthetic chemicals. Many research papers suggest that eating a diet high in antioxidants is the key to successful weight loss.

How to Choose the Right Acai Berry Supplement?

The following are simple guidelines, which will help you choose the best acai supplement and not fall prey to scams.

  • Choose products that contain 100% pure Amazonian acai berry extract. Other products are a waste of time and money.
  • Steer clear of products that seem very cheap. Do not forget that acai berries are harvested manually in the Brazilian rainforest, which is a very labor-intensive task. A good price estimate is -50 per bottle and cheaper is not always better.
  • Make sure that the vendor provides money back guarantee. In a few rare cases the product may not work, the money back guarantee makes sure you don't lose money.

Acai Berry - How to Lose Weight With Acai Berry

Click here for the top rated Acai Berry product from a reputable vendor.

How To Calculate Weight Loss Percentage

Losing weight can sometimes be a very difficult task, requiring a large amount of energy and a lot of motivation. Knowing how to calculate weight loss percentage can really be a morale booster for your rough times because your actual results can only encourage you to perform more of the taken actions - like jogging, dieting or others.

It can also help you stay on track and not exaggerate with anything, as we do know that anything done in excess can harm your body. It can help you set goals and achieve them step by step.

\"weight Loss\"

But how do we calculate weight loss percentage? Is it a difficult math task? No way! It's a pretty basic formula. First of all you'll need to remember your initial weight.
Secondly, you'll need your actual weight at this point.
Now, the formula goes like this:

How To Calculate Weight Loss Percentage

((IW-AW)/IW) * 100= weight loss percentage

In this formula IW is your initial weight and AW is your actual weight at this point.
It's not as complicated as it initially seems: practically all you do is subtract the actual weight from the initial weight and divide the number obtained by your initial weight. Multiply the result with 100 and you'll get the exact percent.

Now you can see that it's pretty basic - but opening a lot of possibilities. For example, you can measure your weight once a week and create an Excel table which instantly calculates the weight loss percentage for you. This can really help you keep track of your progress and can be a real motivation booster as I previously mentioned.

With this you can also create a weight loss percentage graphic - actually drawing your progress at certain points.

Well, if you fully understood how this works, you can conclude that now you know how to calculate weight loss percentage. If not, try to re-read the article more carefully.

How To Calculate Weight Loss Percentage

You can get more details and download the 1000 Atkins diet recipes ebook for free []! You will also discover the top 3 internet weight loss programs [] plus read other 3 free weight loss articles at my website []. Just visit it now!

Weight Loss - Calories In Vs Calories Out

Losing body fat is something that has certainly caused a lot of people grief throughout their life. I know that I certainly hard trouble with my body when I was in my late teen years, and the physical and emotional distress of being overweight was all most too much for me at the time. Now, as a personal trainer, I see countless clients who are just so caught up with their negative body image, and with the misinformation that is fed to them about weight loss, that they just do not know what to do and suffer from paralysis by analysis.

It really doesn't have to be that way! Weight can be a very simple and (relatively) pain less experience if
you know what to expect and how to do it.

\"weight Loss\"

For those that are aware, there is a quite simple process to losing weight, and it relies on the law of thermodynamics, which, when regarding weight gain and weight loss, states that any organism that consumes less energy than it burns will lose body tissue.

Weight Loss - Calories In Vs Calories Out

If you eat more calories than you burn, you will gain weight. On the flip side, if you eat less calories than you burn, you will lose weight. I told you it was simple!

Other elements to weight loss, such as exercise, only act as peripheral tools that can be used to burn more calories, and hence, loss weight at a quicker rate; however, this is where a lot of confusion comes in. I see many clients come in with a mindset that exercise is some kind of 'magic pill' of weight loss. It is in this way they may go for an hour long walk and burn three hundred calories, then reward their efforts by eating a seven hundred calorie dinner, which, if not calculated into the total daily caloric total, will result in weight gain!

At the end of the day, weight loss comes down simply to calories in versus calories out. You can do absolutely nothing all day but lie on the couch and lose weight. On the other hand, you can spend all day exercising and gain weight. It all comes down to the amount of energy you consume, and if that exceeds the amount that you burn, weight gain will ensue.

When constructing your diet, it is important that you pick the correct foods so that you remain healthy, energetic and satiated when trying to lose weight. Foods that I commonly recommend to my clients include all lean meats, such as chicken and beef, all fish (including fatty fish), all vegetables, fruits, nuts, eggs, some milk products and some whole grain pasta and bread products. Through a diet constructed of these kinds of foods you will consume enough protein to ensure that mass muscle is not loss, as well as enough healthy fats to make you body run as efficiently as it possibly can. Carbohydrates are thus eaten when necessary around workouts and times of physical exercise, to help fuel your body for action.

Weight Loss - Calories In Vs Calories Out

Kim Hanna
I am a professional athlete and nutritionist - I also spend time making webpages on the side, including my most recent work on bookshelves for sale as well as bookcases for sale.

Weight Loss - Seven Natural Supplements to Help You Lose Weight

Bitter Orange - this herb contains beta blockers which increases metabolism and promote weight loss. This herb is a good supplement for those who are also incorporating physical exercise into their weight loss program. Bitter orange is similar to ephedra in that both have similar fat burning properties. To date there has not been a lot of studies conducted proving that bitter orange is really effective in promoting weight loss. This herb is not recommended for people who suffer from heart disease or high blood pressure. Also, the skin of bitter orange is used in Chinese medicine to enhance digestion.

Coleus as a weight management supplement that works by dissolving fatty deposits and reducing the production of adipose tissues in the body. It also stimulates thyroid activity which increases metabolism. Coleus contains forskolin, a compound that stimulates adenlylate cyclise an enzyme that increases cellular activity, thus boosting metabolism in the body.

\"weight Loss\"

Ephedra or Ma huang
Subjects who took this herb in clinical trials reportedly lost a considerable amount of weight and fat. One drawback to ephedra is that there is some safety concerns related to the use of it.

Weight Loss - Seven Natural Supplements to Help You Lose Weight

Green Tea
Green tea has been getting a lot of attention lately due to its reported fat busting properties. Green tea contains caffeine which is reputed to promote weight loss by suppressing appetite. It also has cancer fighting properties and is a rich source of antioxidants.

Gurana is reported to work similarly to products that contain caffeine in that it's able to effectively curb appetite. It is also reputed to increase metabolism.

Garcina Cambogia
This herb is a fixture in some Southeast Asian cuisines. Apart from enhancing the flavour of food, people who consume this herb reported feeling satiated faster. Garcina Cambogia contains substances that help suppress appetite and reduce the production of adipose tissues in the body. It decreases the amount of adipose tissues being produced by the body by inhibiting the conversion of carbohydrates to fat. It also stimulates substances that send signals to the brain which would in turn activate some mechanisms that will suppress appetite. People who are pregnant, suffer from diabetes and dementia are cautioned from using this product. It also not recommended for people who are under certain prescription medicines.

Hoodia Gordonii
This herb is endemic to the desert regions of Southern Africa. African Bushmen swear by its appetite suppressing properties and would bring this herb with them on long journeys. In the US, this herb is regarded as the most popular natural appetite suppressant in the market. The herb's active ingredient is called P57. This is a steroidal glycoside that sends signals to the brain to curb appetite. It also aids in weight reduction by lowering blood glucose which in turn reduces the insulin level in the blood, thereby reducing fatty deposits in the body. What's good about this herb is that it has not been shown to have adverse side effects.

Weight Loss - Seven Natural Supplements to Help You Lose Weight

Annabelle writes and researches on many different topics.She would love you to visit her latest site on compact microwave ovens Here in the compact microwave ovens shop you can upgrade or replacing kitchen equipment.

Laxatives to Lose Weight

If you need to lose weight laxatives can be a great alternative, it's relatively inexpensive and works. So many have so many different opinions about losing weight by taking laxatives, I however when I was in the Army decided to use this approach. It worked for me and I will share with you how I did it. The first thing I did before PT was take a laxative, then we would exercise and then I would eat breakfast I then took another one for lunch and then with my evening meal. So here are some simple instructions that you can use and you may possible have to tweak it to get it customized to fit your lifestyle or needs. If you upon awakening take a laxative then have your normal meal, you will see the weight start to roll off. In order for the laxatives to work, you must devise a plan. For instance you should at least take a laxative before every meal, so if you eat three times a day then take a laxative before each of the meals that you take, that way everything you eat will be released.

You have to be sure to drink a lot of water because the bowel movements may be loose and cause you to lose body hydration. The key is to be able to take the laxatives in a safe way and be able to lose weight and maintain your body's elasticity so that it's not depleted of its natural water sources. Another way that you can use laxatives to lose weight is to simply take one in the morning when you wake up and in the evening before you go to bed. If you choose to do it this way then you need to make sure that you are prepared to be awakened in the nighttime. The main thing to know when taking a laxative to lose weight is to be sure that you have something in your system; no matter how little it is, just have something that can come out.

\"Lose Weight\"

Now if you have suffered from constipation or have irregular bowels then, there will be no need to eat full meals, because you have accumulated waste still in your body that can be flushed with a laxative. Basically all that happens when you take laxative to lose weight is that the laxative flushes out what is left in your stomach, then goes through the intestines and gets the left overs. Now a laxative may not completely flush the lower intestine, but it will clean out enough to make your stomach flattened and the weight will come off.

Laxatives to Lose Weight

So if you decide that this is the way that you want to take to lose weight then be sure that you have devised a plan, and are near a restroom, because this will make you not only lose weight but you will use the restroom too. In order to take laxatives in a healthy way it is important that they are taken in conjunction with supplements that restore important anti-oxidants to the body. Hoodia supplements help with improving the metabolic rate at which the body burns calories and restores important vitamins to the body in a healthy way. You can start losing weight with laxatives by following the Master Cleanse Diet Instructions

Laxatives to Lose Weight

David Millers reviews laxatives and recommends that they be used with healthy anti-oxidant supplements from the Master Cleanse Diet

Do Saunas Help With Weight Loss?

Saunas have been a popular tool for relaxation for a very long time. When saunas were first introduced, they were used primarily for relaxation of muscles and relieving the stress and tension that build up throughout life. As saunas became more and more popular and widespread, the people who used them regularly began to notice some very desirable side effects. Specifically, people began noticing weight loss as a result of using saunas.

Weight Loss - Myth or Fact

\"weight Loss\"

Many people are still incredulous about the reported weight loss through sauna use. However, the increased popularity of saunas all over the world cannot and does not lie. Studies have shown that frequent sauna use does indeed help in weight loss as the high temperature acts not only on the muscle tissue but also on the fatty tissues of the body.

Do Saunas Help With Weight Loss?

Many people agree that saunas have indeed helped them with weight reduction. The question is how? It is not true that the heat of the sauna helps in melting fat. Saunas - natural or infrared - are unable to melt fat with the help of heat. What a sauna actually does is help the body get rid of its excess salt through sweating.

What does salt have to do with weight loss? Plenty - there are many medical reports which explain the connection of salt and gain of weight. This gain is not fat gain but water retention gain. When a person consumes excess salt, this is deposited under the skin and in order for it to stay non-toxic it will demand water. The more salt you collect under the skin, the more water your body will demand and retain.

The sauna helps you get rid of this extra salt and thereby gets you rid of the water weight that you have gained. If you want to maintain the weight loss you enjoy from visiting the sauna, you need to keep salt consumption to a minimum in your diet.

Hence, the sauna does indeed help you loose weight though not in the regular way of melting fat. The heat usually forces the body sweat out the excess salt and toxins and thereby reduced a great deal of your water weight. Combined with a healthy and salt free (or reduced salt) diet, you could enjoy the new found way of staying trim and healthy.

Those who have studied the effectiveness of saunas for weight loss have observed that side by side with the relaxation benefits of saunas, they do help with detoxification of the body and with weight loss, when used frequently. What could be a better combination? One takes a sauna for relaxation and relief from stress and ends up with weight loss and body detoxification.

Do Saunas Help With Weight Loss?

Improve your health and experience the benefits of an Infrared sauna. Saunafin offers a great selection of saunas that will fit your space and home decor.

How To Lose Weight In 2 Weeks - It Can Be Done And Here's How

Okay here's how to lose weight in 2 weeks. It's going to be pretty tough to get to your ideal weight inside of 2 weeks, unless you are just wanting to shed a few pounds, so you will usually find it easier to view these first 2 weeks as the beginning of your journey toward a healthy body. If you want to find out how to lose weight in 2 weeks, check out the rest of this article.

Step 1

\"Lose Weight\"

First of all, get used to the fact that there is no magic cure. You can lose weight in 2 weeks, but unless you are planning some liposuction, it's pretty unlikely that you will be able to lose 15 or 20 lbs in 2 weeks. There isn't a magic diet drink or diet that's going to help you get gains like that in a short space of time, but if you are prepared to work hard and not cut corners you could lose as much as 10lbs in a 2 week period.

How To Lose Weight In 2 Weeks - It Can Be Done And Here's How

Step 2

Find out your ideal calorie intake for your height, and stick to it religiously. When trying to lose weight in 2 weeks, even the smallest slip up can put you behind schedule, so eat healthy, and stick to the calories you are allocated.

Step 3

Start exercising. If you are looking to lose weight in 2 weeks, you are going to need to do a significant amount of exercise. Cardio vascular exercise is best, as it will really help you burn the calories, but don't be afraid to get into some light weight training too. This will let your body burn calories by working areas of muscle that usually wouldn't get to be active. Also bear in mind, to lose weight in a 2 week time frame you are going to need to be exercising 5 times plus each week!

Step 4

Learn to utilize your downtime. It's a cliché, but when you are up against a tight time constraint and you want to get into shape for it, every second really does count, so using every second of the day can pay real dividends. If you work in an office for example, there are hundreds of exercises you can do at your desks without your colleagues even noticing. Doing stuff like this all day everyday can really bolster your other efforts and have the pounds dropping off you-perfect for losing weight in 2 weeks.

By now you should have realized how to lose weight in 2 weeks - the key is sensible eating and regular vigorous exercise to burn off that excess fat. Check out the links below for some excellent advice on losing weight fast.

How To Lose Weight In 2 Weeks - It Can Be Done And Here's How

CLICK HERE to lose weight in 2 weeks - start dropping pounds TOMORROW - explosive weight loss is waiting for you...

CLICK HERE for the best weight loss resources on the net - we'll even show you how to get a free weight loss book right now

Emma Green is the webmaster at

The Secret to Maximum Weight Loss Using Weight Loss Shakes

Millions of people are trying to lose weight on any given day. While there are many different diet plans, one of the easiest to follow is using weight loss shakes. These shakes can be used in supplementing another diet or as a diet on their own. In fact many of the popular diets being used today offer lose weight shakes as an option for when dieters do not have the time to prepare another meal.

Most of the best shakes for losing unwanted pounds offer a diet plan of their own. These low calorie shakes are designed to take the place of a couple of meals each day. In addition, the dieter may choose to use a shake in place of a healthy snack in between breakfast and lunch, lunch and dinner and as a bedtime snack. In most cases the meal plan suggests that the dieter choose a balanced and low calorie meal at dinnertime.

\"Best Weight Loss Shakes\"

Weight Loss Shakes: Tips for Use

The Secret to Maximum Weight Loss Using Weight Loss Shakes

When using the best meal replacement shakes, persons trying to lose weight should also begin an exercise plan. Even a few minutes here and there can accelerate the loss of weight. One suggestion is for dieters to start using coffee breaks for a time to take a walk around the block or through the parking lot. This helps to prevent dieters from being tempted if someone has brought doughnuts or other tasty treats to the office for break time. In addition, exercise can often make a dieter feel less hunger pains.

The best weight loss shakes are available in a variety of flavors. Since dieters will be having from two to four of these shakes daily, the flavor variety can help to prevent boredom. In addition, serving the shakes well chilled helps to improve the flavor. Prepared shakes can be stored in the fridge. When mixing a powdered shake, the dieter can add ice cubes to the shake blender to chill the finished product. If an electric blender is used, the ice cubes can be shredded by the blender blades to give the shake an ice cream consistency for even greater taste. If the shake is thick enough, dieters often feel more satiety by eating it with a spoon rather than drinking the shake.

Side note: Before beginning any diet plan, it's always a good idea to speak with your doctor. The doctor can evaluate the diet plan and offer suggestions to increase its effectiveness. As a dieter finds success, it may be necessary to adjust medications. Losing weight can lower both blood sugar and blood pressure. As these numbers drop, the doctor may need to lower the amount of medication being used to keep these critical measurements in balance. Now for the fun stuff...

So How Can You Accelerate Your Weight Loss Results from Weight Loss Shakes?

Meal Replacement Shakes are great because they're getting the caloric balance tipped in the direction of 'deficit'; meaning the body is burning more calories than it is taking in...thus kicking in the body's response to tap into its stored energy (ie. FAT! ). Although this formula is foundational to meaningful weight loss, there is something else going on at a more cellular level; your blood sugar.

Blood sugar levels are absolutely critical for the highest rate of weight loss. Your blood sugar acts as a messenger to many of the functions of your body's systems that directly your energy level, your hunger and cravings, as well as more detailed information like how fast your body should be burning energy (and if it should start to tap into your fat reserves).

The science behind addressing blood sugar is fascinating and sadly, outside the scope of this article, but know that if you address blood sugar first, your hunger and cravings are curbed, your energy is higher and your body is giving a green light to tap into those fat reserves... all of which can literally explode your rate of weight loss; especially when using weight loss shakes for nutrition replacement.

How Can I control Blood Sugar to Lose Fat Faster?

There are numerous products that are starting to take advantage of this newer approach to accelerated weight loss. The long and short is that you need easily digestible supplement that can address this on a daily basis and 'train' your blood sugar to send the right signals for maximum weight loss. Then your results using any kind of Meal Replacement Nutrition Shakes (or any diet for that matter) can be exponential over using only a calorie based solution.

The Secret to Maximum Weight Loss Using Weight Loss Shakes

Want the Inside Scoop on the differences and distinctions of Weight Loss Drinks vs. Weight Loss Shakes?

Go To where you can find more information on how important blood sugar and even get a Free Weight Loss Drink that balances blood sugar to try it for yourself. My name is Alanna and I love helping people achieve their weight loss goals. I have two beautiful and exhausting children, an amazing husband and when I have a free moment, I blog, record videos and otherwise produce helpful content for those seeking advice on solving tough weight loss challenges.

Diet Shakes - Do Diet Shakes Work For Weight Loss?

Diet shakes, also known as meal replacements, have been a dieting staple for many years. They come and go out of popularity in the general public, but when it comes to doctor-prescribed weight loss programs, most of them involve some kind of diet shake. So if you're wondering if diet shakes work, the answer is definitely yes!

Diet Shakes that Work

\"Best Weight Loss Shakes\"

When it comes to finding the right diet shake, you have several different options. There are a couple of well known programs that you can get only from your doctor. They are Health Management Resources (HMR) and Optifast.

Diet Shakes - Do Diet Shakes Work For Weight Loss?

For over the counter programs, you can buy Medifast, which used to be available only through doctors, but is now available online or at a Medifast center and occasionally at drugstores. Another easy diet shake product to find is Slimfast, which is at pretty much every drugstore and supermarket and you may even find single cans in the fridge at your local convenience store.

Another option is to make your own "do it yourself" diet shake. There's plenty of protein powders available that can be used as the basis of a diet based on meal replacement shakes. If you're going to go this route though, you'll want to make sure you study up on nutrition and probably check with your doctor too. You'll want to make sure that you are getting the right ingredients in your shakes. So it might just be easier to follow a well-known program that already has been clinically tested to make sure that the nutrition is balanced.

Diet Shakes aren't a cure all

One of the great advantages of diet shakes is that they are fast and easy and can give you a weight loss program that doesn't require a lot of thought on your part. So you can just lose the weight. But the flipside of that is they may not prepare you to make a return to eating regular food adequately.

In order to avoid gaining back all of the weight you lost, it is important to make some lifestyle changes as well that you can keep in place once you return to eating regular meals again. Years ago, most diet shake weight loss programs were just shake-based. But nowadays, many of them do include a regular food component once or twice per day. So you can use that meal as an opportunity to make better choices and learn how to cook meals that are satisfying and healthy too.

Diet Shakes - Do Diet Shakes Work For Weight Loss?

Of the diet shake programs that are available, I found that Medifast worked best for me, as it includes a variety of shakes, meal replacement bars and hot drinks and soups. You can read more about it in my Medifast diet review.

Jenni Kerala reviews popular diets and offers dieting and weight loss tips on her website. Be sure to read her Medifast success tips if you've decided to give Medifast a try.

Making Homemade Weight Loss Shakes

If you find that commercial weight loss shakes are costly and you are not sure about their ingredients, then try making homemade weight loss shakes instead. Homemade weight loss shakes are one of the most popular weight loss supplements because anyone can make them as long as you have the right ingredients, a blender, and some ice. In fact, they may even be helpful for some people compared to other weight loss products being sold in the market.

Simple but healthy

\"Best Weight Loss Shakes\"

Homemade weight loss shakes are simple and easy to make because they do not require any cooking. When you use fruits or vegetables as your main ingredients for homemade weight loss shakes, you can get a healthy serving of all the vitamins and minerals all in one beverage. Furthermore, it can also serve as a replacement for other meals.

Making Homemade Weight Loss Shakes

Common ingredients

Sometimes, you may need other ingredients to add to your homemade weight loss shakes. It will depend on the type of nutrients your body needs and the kind of energy boost that you want. Here are some common ingredients that you can add to your shake:

o Fruits - these are helpful in getting rid of toxins from the body while providing antioxidants.

o Yogurt or low-fat milk - for your dose of vitamin D and calcium.

o Protein powder - for easier and faster digestion of your food while keeping you full for longer periods of time.

Other ingredients

Additional supplements and vitamins can also be added into your homemade weight loss shakes. Examples are bee pollen, black cohosh, ginko biloba, and dandelion. These ingredients promote healthy liver functions, cleansing of the intestines, more energy for exercise, prevention of fatigue, and prevention of allergies.

The benefits: vitamins and minerals

Freshly made homemade weight loss shakes are good sources of vitamins and minerals that pair up with co-enzymes and enzymes. These vitamins make the enzymes work and without them, our bodily functions will stop.


This is because enzymes work as catalysts in several chemical reactions happening inside our bodies. These chemical reactions are important to carry out digestion and the absorption and conversion of food to body tissue. Furthermore, enzymes are able to produce energy that are important for metabolic activities in our bodies.

The benefits: better vitamin and mineral absorption

When you drink homemade weight loss shakes, your body tends to absorb more vitamins and minerals coming from the fruits or vegetables you added in them, compared to eating them as a whole. This is because a lot of nutrients are trapped within the fiber present in the whole fruit or vegetable. However, by placing them in the blender, you break down the fiber to release the important nutrients.

You need vitamins and minerals

Even when you are on a diet, you still need the right amount of vitamins, minerals, and nutrients that your body can take so your organs can still function properly. Furthermore, without the proper dose of those essential nutrients, you can become malnourished. Malnutrition can cause a lot of deficiency disorders and diseases, so make sure that your body is still getting its recommended daily dose of nutrients coming from healthy fruits and vegetables that you can eat whole or blended into homemade shakes. Here are more benefits of the vitamins and minerals you can find in fruits and vegetables:

1. Stronger nails and hair

2. Smoother skin

3. Essential compounds needed for health, physical well-being, metabolism, and health.

4. Maintain bone strength and bone density.

5. Regulation of blood clotting.

6. Aiding the functions of muscles and nerves.

7. Regulation of your heart beat.

8. Reducing risks on heart attacks and strokes.

Tips and tricks for making shakes

To start making your homemade weight loss shake, make sure that your vegetables and fruits are juiced raw. Depending on the fruit, small fruits with seeds can be placed into the blender with the seeds, like pears and watermelons. However, if you are using apples, grapefruit, oranges, nectarines, peaches, or papaya, make sure to remove the seeds or large pits.

Peeled and ripe

Make sure to pick ripe and fresh fruits and vegetables. If they are bruised, wilted, over-ripe, under-ripe, or even rubbery, the shake will end up tasting bad. If the fruit or vegetable is not grown organically, peel off the skins since all the chemical residues can be found on the surface. If you are using pineapples, grapefruit, papaya, kiwis, and oranges, make sure that you also remove their skins.

More tips with the blender and mixture

Vegetables and fruits should be cut into pieces that can easily fit your blender. If they get stuck under the blade while blending, use a spatula to remove the jammed ingredients before proceeding to blend. If your shake is blended evenly, add 2 ice cubes and keep adding them once in a while until it sounds smooth. However, if your blender cannot blend the ice cubes well, substitute them with cold water or cold fruit juice instead. Finally, if your shake is too thin, add more ice or fruit, and more liquid if it is too thick.

Making Homemade Weight Loss Shakes

Phillip England is a weight loss expert and director of TheUltimateWeightLossSecret.Com [] - check it out for all your weight loss information. Phil also provides honest advice about weight loss supplements like Proactol []

What Makes The Vi Shake One Of The Best Protein Shakes For Weight Loss?

If you are looking for the best protein shakes for weight loss, then look no further than ViSalus Vi-Shakes. This extremely popular health shake from ViSalus Sciences is on of the best protein shakes for weight loss for a number of reasons.

First of all, this shake, along with the other health products from ViSalus, forms the basis of the ViSalus' Body by Vi Challenge Kits. These are a series of five kits that are specifically made to give people the tools that they need to reach their goals and transform their lives.

\"Best Weight Loss Shakes\"

These challenge kits can be used alone, or you can sign up for the 90-day challenge. If you do this, you get the chance to win some amazing prizes if your transformation is deemed the greatest after the almost three month period.

What Makes The Vi Shake One Of The Best Protein Shakes For Weight Loss?

Your transformation goal can vary, and this is why there are five different challenge kits. These will give you what you need to achieve your goals, whether the goal is to lose weight, gain muscle, increase energy and endurance or just live as healthily as you possibly can.

The basis for all these different kits, of course, is the Vi-Shake. So what makes the Vi-Shake one of the best protein shakes for weight loss? Well, the most palpable difference (or rather "palatable" difference) is that this shake mix actually tastes really good. Unlike most protein shakes that taste like chalk, powdered egg whites and artificial strawberry or vanilla flavor, this shake mix is famous for tasting just like cake mix.. or pudding, depending who you ask.

But the taste alone can't make it the best, right? Well, while they did have me at "cake mix", the benefits of this shake don't stop there. This shake also has everything that you need for a healthy body, wrapped into a single 90 calorie (depending how you prepare it) shake.

It has proteins, vitamins and minerals, as well as probiotics that will help you to absorb all this nutrition so that nothing goes to waste. You can also add more goodness to the shake by adding some of the healthy flavor mix-ins provided with the challenge kit. This adds extra health benefits and gives you more variety when it comes to flavor. You can also use other ingredients in your kitchen, like peanut butter or fruit, to make your shakes even more flavorful and healthy.

So, this is clearly one of the best protein shakes for weight loss that the world has ever seen; but that's not all.

When you are part of the ViSalus community you also have the opportunity to earn big by helping others. When you see how much progress you are making with the Vi-Shake and the challenge kits, you will feel inspired to share this new found health and joy with others. Instead of simply telling you to refer your friends to the main branch or something like that, ViSalus lets those who want to share the products with others to partake in the profits.

It offers many ways that you can earn money and great bonuses, simply by sharing the products you probably already wanted to tell others about. You can even get your challenge kit for free if you start referring three people to sign up for the challenge kits themselves each month.

With all these ways to earn, and the amazing health benefits of using Vi-shake, there is no questioning whether or not this is among the best protein shakes for weight loss ever!

What Makes The Vi Shake One Of The Best Protein Shakes For Weight Loss?

Want to find out more about the best protein shakes for weight loss? Get more details with the "Best Weight Loss Shakes Review".

Choosing the Best Weight Loss Shake

Fruit and/or vegetable smoothies and shakes are among the favorite weight loss supplements of all kinds of dieters, but how do you come up with the best weight loss shake? Trying to find or make the best weight loss shake can be overwhelming especially if you have no idea on which ingredients to use or buy and what to put into the shake, so here are some ideas to inspire or guide you.

Shake it to health

\"Best Weight Loss Shakes\"

The best weight loss shake is a reliable drink that can also serve as a meal replacement. You will know if they are best for you under the following conditions:

Choosing the Best Weight Loss Shake

  • It aids you in your achieving your weight loss goals
  • It provides you with all the vitamins and minerals that you need that normally comes from the foods that you are restricted to eat.
  • It provides you with the right amount of energy that you can use for daily activities and exercising.
  • It does not leave you hungry.
  • It does not have to be very expensive but are still effective
  • It simply tastes good.

Commercial shakes

The best weight loss shake may come in the form of commercialized ones. These are already conveniently packaged for you, usually in powder or ready-to-drink forms. Here are some of the commercial shakes that you can find in the market

Ultra Slim Fast

This is one of the most popular brands but some people do not consider this as the best weight loss shake in the market because of its high sugar content of 78 grams and it does not contribute to losing muscle mass and water weight. You are usually required to drink the shake for breakfast and it is paired up with a low calorie weight loss plan. The entire shake contains 220 calories, 46 grams of carbohydrates that includes 7 grams of protein and 35 grams of sugar, and 1 gram of fat.

Myoplex Low Carb

With only 120 calories and less sugar, the product is the best weight loss shake for those who are on a high protein and low carb diet. However, you may need to take in more food with this product since it cannot provide enough calories to compensate for a meal. These are more ideal for snacks or paired up with fruits if you are not planning on eating after consuming it.

Ensure Lite

This product provides you with two choices for shakes: the regular Ensure Lite and the Zone Perfect. Both of them have 200 and 260 calories respectively and have different amounts of high protein and are low in carbohydrates. However, the product still contains a high amount of sugar.

Make your own shakes

The best weight loss shake may be available within your reach in your kitchen. This simply means that you can make your own weight loss shakes with the right ingredients. These ingredients can easily be bought in groceries or food stores. Furthermore, they are less costly than commercial shakes and you are provided with more control on what you can put in your shakes.

Health and simplicity in one

Homemade shakes are no-fuss and no-hassle ones to make. In fact, all you need is a blender, your choices for fruits and vegetables, some ice, and water. With fruits and vegetables as your ingredients, you are provided with a hefty amount of all the necessary vitamins and minerals that your body needs for nutrition in one drink.

Your ingredients

Homemade shakes can also serve as your complete meal replacement and you can drink them anytime of the day. For making the best weight loss shake at home, the common ingredients are the following:

  • Low-fat or non-fat milk - for your calcium needs
  • Yogurt - for calcium and vitamin D
  • Fruits - for a dose of antioxidants to remove toxins from your body
  • Vegetables - for fiber
  • Protein powder - for quicker and easier food digestion to keep you full longer
  • Other ingredients - for aiding in healthier liver functions, providing more energy, cleansing your intestines, allergy prevention, fatigue prevention, etc. (i.e. additional vitamins and supplements like bee pollen, dandelion, ginko biloba)

More tips

In making or buying your weight loss shakes, make sure that you do not choose anything that has has too much sugar and very few calories in them. These factors are only going to contribute to more cravings and an increase in hunger that can make you binge or eat more.

Choosing the Best Weight Loss Shake

Phillip England is a weight loss [] expert and Author of the popular report "The Ultimate Weight Loss Secret". To receive your free information on the secret that doctors, and health companies either don't know, or don't want you to know, please see []

Medifast Plus Shakes - Medifast Plus For Appetite Suppression

Normally, if you follow the Medifast diet plan, you won't have much of a problem with your appetite. Since you will experience a mild state of ketosis while using the Medifast program, that should keep your appetite in check. Sometimes though, you just need a little more help and that's where the Medifast Plus for Appetite Suppression shakes come in handy.

The Medifast Plus appetite suppression shakes contain the ingredient Super Citrimax. There's 300 mg in each serving. In addition to the appetite suppressant, the Medifast plus shakes also contain more protein than the company's other weight loss shakes, 15 grams instead of 11 grams.

\"Best Weight Loss Shakes\"

What is Super CitriMax?

Medifast Plus Shakes - Medifast Plus For Appetite Suppression

Super CitriMax is a patented product made by a company called InterHealth Nutraceuticals. Their original product, simply called CitriMax, has been around since 1995. Basically, it is an extract made from a fruit called Garcinia cambogia, which grows in South Asia. Clinical studies show that the extract can help with appetite suppression without causing a lot of the side effects that you usually get from appetite suppressants -- such as a racing heart, insomnia, etc.

In addition to suppressing your appetite, some other claims for CitriMax are that it works as a fat burner and can prevent you from putting on more fat. So in addition to helping control your appetite, you may also get a thermogenic effect which can help you lose weight faster. And I'm sure you'll agree, we can always use any advantage we can get during our weight loss efforts.

Using Medifast Plus products

I haven't found any specific suggestions from Medifast on how many of the Appetite Suppression shakes to substitute for their regular product line each day. For their other Medifast Plus products they recommend a maximum of two to three per day.

I think 2-3 shakes per day is the best course to take with the appetite suppression shakes as well because they do have more slightly more carbohydrates than the regular Medifast 55 shakes. For some people, even just a few extra carbs per day can make a difference to how fast they lose weight. So it is best to be on the safe side. You can always experiment with quantities to see what works best for you.

Medifast Plus Shakes - Medifast Plus For Appetite Suppression

If you'd like a rundown of some of my favorite Medifast foods, for tips on what to order and what to avoid, then check out my review of all the different Medifast foods before placing your first order.

Jenni Kerala reviews many popular diet plans and offers dieting and weight loss tips. If you're thinking about losing weight with Medifast, check out some of the Medifast discount codes before you order.